Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Political Roundup

Today's post is a hodge-podge of news related to the 2008 elections.

First, I must mention that yet another candidate has entered the race on the Republican side. Former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore entered the race as of yesterday, which doesn't come as much of a surprise since he formed an "exploratory committee" back in January. The announcement came from none other than Iowa. Gilmore says that the other Republican candidates are far too liberal, and he deems himself the only "real" Republican candidate in the race. Just what we need-an ultra-conservative to follow up the current ultra-ultra-conservative in office!

In case you haven't heard, Mike Huckabee's son was arrested for carrying a gun. Another plus for the Republicans following last week's Virginia Tech shooting. He was carrying the gun at none other than an airport!

We all knew McCain was a nut, but now we find out he has 22 dogs. That makes him tied with the crazy cat woman each of us has in our neighborhood or at work.

Clinton has recently been questioned for dropping the Rodham in her name. While she still uses Hillary Rodham Clinton in the senate and on all official senate materials, her campaign Web site lists Rodham no where. When her husband failed to be re-elected as Arkansas governor, she began going by Rodham Clinton and he was then re-elected. I must question if the name identity crisis is over preceived positives being tied to Bill Clinton more closely.

1 comment:

Don said...

Just some pasties for you.

Redistribution of Income: “If we kept the payroll-tax rate exactly the same but applied it to all earnings and not just the first $97,000, we could eliminate the entire Social Security shortfall.” —economic expert Barack Obama

“Iran, in particular because of the bad decision this administration has made by invading Iraq, is a major player in the Middle East. If it is in the United States’ interest to make certain that we can stabilize the situation and avoid further military confrontation and curb state sponsored terrorism they’ve been involved with, that’s something we should be willing to do.” —foreign-policy expert Barack Obama **“If?!”