Sunday, April 15, 2007

My Video

View the video I made and posted on YouTube. Share it with your friends!


Anonymous said...

That was a great video! I especially liked that you used that song--it was an appropriate soundtrack for your video. Really great job!

Peter K Fallon, Ph.D. said...

Very nice job, Nicole. Your Aunt Kim is very proud of you.

Don said...

No doubt that Aunt Kim is proud of you, she said as much. Your own blog!!!!
While you are out searching for articles to paste in here look around for some about sharia law and do a little research on countries that live under islamic rule. Especially the lives of the women of those countries. While you're "wait'in on the world to change" you might as well become familiar with the direction the change is going to take.

It's a war, we fight to win, or we loose. Learn something about your enemies before you hand them your lives and those of your children.

Brittany Lawrence said...

Powerful video