Saturday, April 7, 2007

More Bush?! Help Us All

It's a bit early, and rather presumptous to begin naming potential running mates for vice president, but that's exactly what Mitt Romney did yesterday. Among the three names he gave, Florida Governor Jeb Bush was on the list! If a Bush can find a way to be in the White House, he will leave no stone unturned. And Florida just has to make a mess of another election. This is all around bad for everyone, and I can't help but think this will hurt him. The story, however, was disappointly buried in the news.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Romney may be digging his own grave or it might be a smart tactic. For people like us, it won't help him because the thought of another Bush in the White house is a scary thought. But then you can't discount the Bush clout. The same clout that helped GW win in 2000 and 2004. Romney might be hoping that by hitching his wagon to a Bush, he'll benefit from that clout.