Monday, March 12, 2007

Name Calling

In response to a reader’s comment left on my blog several days ago, I felt compelled to research whether the majority of Americans are still confusing Barack Obama with Osama bin Laden. I truly hope they are not after this length of time and extensive media coverage Obama has been getting.

In an early February Gallop/USA Today poll, most Americans were unsure about who Barack Obama was:

49% - Terrorist leader who organized 9/11
27% - The statue in Iraq the Marines pulled down on TV
11% - Kick return specialist that played for Notre Dame in the early 90's
11% - Kick return specialist that played for the Toronto Argo's in the mid-90's
2% - That black Senator who might actually be president

A month ago a Washington Post editorial noted a trend among conservatives to use Obama’s name in full: Barack Hussein Obama. "This would be merely juvenile if it weren't so contemptible," the paper declared.

Several major news organizations reported on Obama’s name similarity when he was still considering running for president. And several news organizations made the mistake (intentional?) of calling him Osama. Fox ranks at the top of the list of news organizations to commit this HUGE mistake. Fox even connected Obama to the axis of evil.

Even CNN got it wrong, proving the sad state of journalism today.

I cannot say whether most Americans are still confused, as I could not find any more recent polls. If people are still confused, they have either been living in a hole, or, I hate to say it, they’re just that naive.


Peter K Fallon, Ph.D. said...

It would be hilarious if it weren't so terribly, terribly sad.

It actually frightens me to watch and listen to soundbytes of Americans who don't know a US Senator, or can mix his name up with a terrorist's.

God help us.

Danielle LaGrippe said...

How creepy. I can't say I remember hearing about this. How can we encourage such people to cast their votes? I want to see more of the PSAs that say, "DON'T VOTE...until you know the issues (and presumably the facts)."

Unknown said...

I think it's so much worse that people obviously don't know who Osama bin Laden is.